Steiner, Rudolf: – Neun Schulungsskizzen für Maler “Naturstimmungen”. (nine designes for painters ‘natural impressions)


Contains 24 Original-aquatints, painted in the style fo Rudolf Steiner. The aquatints are well painted, probably of one of his pupils. – Some aquatints with minor defects, otherwise well preserved. With name of Annie Pönner, Vienna, the previous owner. With the introduction by Hilde Boos-Hamburger.

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Dornach, Verlag der Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung 1962.

45 : 35 cm. Title-leaf including contents, 2 pages introduction text by Hilde Boos-Hamburger, 9 coloured platges and 24 Original-Aquatints. Original-carton portfolio.

290,00 EUR