Tychsen, Th. Chr: – Grammatik der Arabischen Schriftsprache für den ersten Unterricht.


First and only edition. – At its time a very much used textbook. Contains the ‘Anthologia Coranica’ the Suren I, 96, 68, 91-95, 2(1-109); 23 (1-64), 47 (1-14) and 5(1-11) in Arabic. — The principal work of the Göttingen oriental scholar T. C. Tychsen (1758-1834), a grammar of Arabic that replaced that of Michaelis. – Binding a bit rubbed. – Chauvin X, 102; Hamberger-M. XXI, 146.

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Artikelnummer: 10414AB Kategorien: , , , ,


Göttingen, Dieterich 1823.

2 parts in 1 volume. 21,5 : 13 cm. VIII, 263; 40 pages Contemporary half calf.

280,00 EUR