Tokyo, Kokusa Bunka Shinkokai, 1938.
Second edition. 26,5 : 19,5 cm. 41 pages with many (1 coloured) illustrations on plates. Original boards.
75,00 EUR
Buch- und Kunstantiquariat
70,00 €
The tipped-in coloured frotispiece shows aq Kosodo (Woman’s short leaved Germent) the long explanation is printed on the tisue-gard. Explains the history and develpment of japanese femal garments throughout the history and the different political and social developments. With many illustrations.
1 in stock
Tokyo, Kokusa Bunka Shinkokai, 1938.
Second edition. 26,5 : 19,5 cm. 41 pages with many (1 coloured) illustrations on plates. Original boards.
75,00 EUR