Tokyo, The Shokokusha Publishing Co., Inc. 1953.
30 : 22 cm. 161 pages with many illustrations, 3 pages with mounted paper-samples. Original cloth.
120,00 EUR
Buch- und Kunstantiquariat
115,00 €
The exceeding illustrations with views and design drawings of Japanese tea houses. The architectual style that developed for ‘chachitsu’ is referred to as the ‘sukiya’ style, and the term sukiya may be used as a synonym for ‘chashitsu’. Related Japanese terms are ‘chaseki’, broadly meaning “place for tea”, and implying any sort of space where peaople are seated to participate in tea ceremony. The samples of paper at the end of the book are ment for the sliding doors in the tea house.
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Tokyo, The Shokokusha Publishing Co., Inc. 1953.
30 : 22 cm. 161 pages with many illustrations, 3 pages with mounted paper-samples. Original cloth.
120,00 EUR