Werner, Richard Maria. – Der Österreichische Parnaß verspottet in Wort und Bild. Mit einer Einleitung von Richad Maria Werner.


22 pages; IV, 52 pages; 2 leaves, 32 pages; 2 leaves, 88 pages, 1 engraved plate. Loose as issued in original cloth portfolio. Complete set with all the supplements for the Austrian Bibliphiles in 1912. Contains the introductions by Richard Maria Werner (22 pages) – Oesterreichischer Parnass bestiegen von einem heruntergekommenen Antiquar (52 pages) – Literarische Pamphlete, 2 volumes.( 88 and 32 pages). All housed in the original portfolio as issued. – Etching as always a bit browned. – Rare. Loose as issued in original cloth portfolio.

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Wien, Wiener Bibliopilen Gesellschaft, 1912.

4 volumes in one folder. 36 : 51 cm.

190,00 EUR