A list of Pegasus Books exhibited by J. & E. Bumpus Ltd.


12 pages. Original green wrappers. First edition. – “As the founders of the Pegasus Press were naturally interested in the history of their own crafts, namely printing and publishing, the nfollowing list includes books on paper-making, calligraphy, typography and so forth. In addition, it was thought desirable for the Pegasus Press not only to contribute to the critical appreciation of the fine arts in general and printing in particular, burt also to submit for the consideration of bibliophiles the hand printed series of the Officina Bodoni as specimens of fine typography and in earnest of the desire of this firm to issue fine examples of modern craftsmanship” (Introduction).

1 in stock


London, Pegasus Books, 1930.

20,5 : 14,5 cm. Original green wrappers.

50,00 EUR